SLAM Nevada is building a greenhouse!

SLAM Nevada is building a greenhouse! The goal is for students, with the guidance of their teacher, to build a greenhouse, edible gardens, hydroponics, and focus on renewable energy to power their greenhouse.

SLAM Nevada kicked off their new course Going Green - Environmental Tech and Design taught by Mr. Robert Parker. When Mr. Parker was hired 2 years ago, he had a dream of starting a course that incorporated sustainability, renewable energy, and brought nature into urban education. He got this idea after he visited a school in Montana that focused on integrating nature, life skills, and core academics to bring unique experiences for students. He loved what he saw and knew he wanted to bring the same concept to the students of Las Vegas.

He was initially faced with the challenge of funding. With the help of colleagues, he wrote numerous grants and this past summer received funding which would be used to purchase the tools and supplies necessary to run the course. The goal is for students, with the guidance of their teacher, to build a greenhouse, edible gardens, hydroponics, and focus on renewable energy to power their greenhouse. The foundation is so proud of the initiative taken by Mr. Parker and can't wait to see how the greenhouse turns out, and what the class has in store for the future.

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